Happy Heritage Day!
August 25, 2013
9:30am Class Cancelled Tomorrow
August 27, 2013

Challengers, Week 3 – A Note from Kate…

Congratulations yogis first for taking the leap of courage to join the challenge and for making it to your 3rd week.
I am writing this article from my beloved Ananda Ashram where I am filling my own cup up under the tutelage of many great teachers and with plenty of time for practice and svadyaya (study).
When we join a challenge we do it for ourselves and in effect, fill our cups up. It’s so important in a world that demands multi-tasking to consciously take the time to just do something for nobody else and nothing else but yourself. Often, we will shift everybody else and everything else to the top of the list of priorities and over time, we slide to the bottom of that list.
It takes courage and it takes dedication to actively make this shift in lifestyle but in doing so, you will inspire yourself and all those around you.
Here’s to you guys!! I can’t wait to come back to join you in the final leg towards the finish line!
In love and in light,