Dear 35 Day Challengers,
Welcome to the second week of the challenge, hopefully you are feeling energized, strong and inspired by your practice! As each of you made this commitment to yourself you did so most likely with great enthusiasm. As the days pass, there may be a day or even a few days where this commitment seems unrealistic or a burden. Have comfort in knowing that others are likely feeling the same way and that it is impermanent. Take the time to re-evaluate your intention or reason for embarking on this journey, enjoy the feeling of community by knowing that you have the support of your teachers and peers. Your “goal” was set for you in the very words 35 day challenge. Go beyond this and set an intention. If you are newer to working with intention, know that it can be anything and that it can change. If you miss practice, let it go, life happens!
My teacher Nora has described yoga as “the opportunity to get to know yourself better”. I love looking at the study of yoga through this lens. It is an invitation to become curious each and every time you step onto your mat. Be excited to learn more about how your body moves, how your breath moves and the way your mind reacts. Keep this in mind as you flow through your 27,000th cat/cow stretch, turn your attention inward and cultivate that curiosity with an open mind, as though you’re making those movements again for the first time. Practice with your eyes closed, feel your postures, your alignment and your breath with interest. In order to maintain a lifelong practice of yoga we need to stay interested, passionate, and inspired. Inspiration can come from anywhere, the subtlest cue, success in a more advanced pose, noticing the physical, mental, maybe even spiritual effects of your efforts off of the mat. Try a variety of classes and as many different teachers as you can! Your practice should nourish and empower you, and we are here to help keep you inspired.
Warmest Regards & Namaste,