Winner of Top Choice Award!

Best Studio

The results are in and we would like to extend an enormous thank you to our community for voting us the Best Yoga Studio in Calgary!

We’re very honoured to be your choice of studio, and always do our utmost to make Yoga Santosha a beautiful place to connect to yourself and others. We always want to be known as a fun, welcoming and supportive community – a place where you can begin your yoga practice or nurture and grow your existing one. We’re so happy to offer the space to do so, and enjoy welcoming all those new to the studio into the Santosha family.

The Top Choice Award in an international marketing research company that runs open-ended and independent annual customer satisfaction survey. Long story short, the general public gets to vote for who they think most deserves the accolade for being the best through an independent survey. For more information, click here to find out more about the survey.

Just In: Plant Terrariums
April 21, 2014
May Community Membership: Plant
April 30, 2014