Yoga Santosha is reaching out to our community to bring yoga to as many people as we can.
Bring in your receipt from FloatLife and receive one free class from October 1-31.
But guess what Santoshis?… FloatLife is extending our Yoga Santosha members the exclusive price of $49/session for their 90 minute floats! Typically a float is $85 so this is a pretty great deal – not one to pass up!
Interested in what FloatLife is all about? Here’s a bit about them…
The Float Pod creates an environment that cannot be found anywhere else on earth. During your session you are floating effortlessly in 1200Lbs. of epsom salt dissolved into 11-inch of skin temperature water within a lightproof and soundproof environment. Gravity and sensory input are almost completely eliminated creating the ideal environment, for profound relaxation, healing and insight.
After you feel the effects of your first float you may wonder how something so simple can have such a profound effect on your overall well-being. However, the benefits of floating are backed by over thirty years of mainstream scientific research in human performance.
Check out their website by clicking here.
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