Q. What was your life before teaching yoga?
A. I would say I was pretty lost before yoga. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do and my asian family would’ve dictated that I fall into one of four jobs… Doctor, lawyer, accountant or engineer. I entered into science and worked in neuroscience research in hopes of boosting my gap and becoming the doctor my parents hoped for.
*aside* my sister was a circus performer for a few years. My poor asian parents. Ha!
Q.Why did you start practicing yoga?
A. I was unhappy in the lab and at first, yoga was a means of exercise for me. How quickly that changed, because yoga became something i always looked forward to and it became something that started to create huge shifts in the way I thought of myself and of my life.
Q.What is your guilty pleasure?
A. I like watching Supernatural and I’m not embarrassed to say so!!!
Q. What does a typical day look like in your life?
A. Usually, teaching some classes and then meeting people here and there for coffee. Sometimes I practice in studio and sometimes I practice at home by myself (usually with a bolster for adult nap time). Recently, trying to learn my harmonium 🙂
Q. Where do you see yourself in 5 – 10 years?
A. Still traveling. Still eating. Still telling amazing jokes.
Q. How did you come to Santosha?
A. It was a yoga teacher 30 day challenge. To teach our regular schedule but also practice once a day for an entire month. We had been graciously given access to 3 studios with Santosha being one of them. Since, I had never been to the Santosha’s studio before to practice, that’s where I went most of the time in that month and well … The rest is history.
Q. Anything else fun and random you’d want to include?
A. I have a blog that I try to keep up with and you can find it at www.katewmak.com
Also… Why couldn’t the yogi work their vacuum cleaner?
Well, they lost all their attachments.