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Spending Time with Lauren Dodds

Yoga Santosha Blog Spending Time with Lauren Dodds

Spending Time with Lauren Dodds

JULY 29, 2018

Spending Time with Lauren Dodds

With a balanced and compassionate approach Lauren exudes a yogic wisdom in her teaching. Her youthful energy combined with a sage’s presence connects the students to their own inner teacher. We are very blessed to have her teaching at both our studio spaces.

Learn a little more about Lauren below and meet her on your mat at the Santosha Mission studio Tuesday’s @ 8:45 PM & Sunday’s @ 10:00 AM & 12:00 PM, as well as at the Kensington studio on Saturday’s @ 4:00 PM.

How did you first find Yoga?

My first experience with yoga was a few community center classes starting when I was about 13. I remember getting an adjustment in Child’s pose and feeling so safe and grounded in a way I hadn’t experienced – like I had just received permission to be myself. My teen years were a struggle navigating anxiety and depression, and coming to the mat became quiet space just for me, so I took up yoga more seriously once I started university and continued from there. I started primarily with Yin and then eventually got into more active practices.

When did you understand you wanted to become a yoga teacher?

Honestly, there wasn’t a lot of conscious thought put into it initially – I had been loving yoga for a while, and knew there were teacher trainings out there but had never looked into any. One day out of nowhere I said “I’m going to take a yoga teacher training next year” to a friend of mine, and it surprised me coming out of my own mouth. It was probably one of the first experiences I had of a deep intuition coming forth even though there was no concrete reason for it, so I honored the message and sure enough the next year took my 200hr training.

Why do you teach yoga?

Practicing yoga has completely reshaped my life and helped me reconnect to my truest self after years of hiding behind fear, so I teach to hold space where hopefully students feel safe to navigate the often-challenging waters of being human and be curious about their inner landscape. Also, most of the time the teachings that come forth are often messages that I need to receive personally as well, so it keeps me continually exploring and inspired to be my best version.

What obstacles has yoga helped you to overcome?

My default behavior has always been to disconnect from the neck up, being far more in my head than in my body. I ignored or fought against my body for a long time and wanted to control everything because that felt safer somehow. Yoga has taught me how to love myself, what it means to surrender and given me a sense of faith and devotion that was missing from my life.

What advice would you give to your younger self? What words of wisdom would you impart?

I’d tell her to slow down. I was in such a rush to grow up and had so many expectations of what I needed to accomplish and when, that I lost sight of who I was and what really nourished me.

Favorite indulgence?

Really amazing masala chai with lots of milk and sugar.

Share something we might not know about you.

I love musicals, and really any songs that strike an emotional chord. I get caught singing to myself a lot while I’m driving. Music from the late 90s/early 00s is especially my jam.

Share with us your favorite quote

“.. as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson